Category: Duty Rates

Duty Deferral, for some

Duty Deferral is available for some importers. Before you go jumping for joy I must inform you that the postponement does NOT apply for entries subject to Antidumping, Countervailing, Section 232, Section 201, or Section 301 duties. This is an especially major blow to importers of Chinese goods who have been suffering on a shortage… Read more »

NO Duty Deferral….for now

According to an Larry Kudlow the White House was not considering a 90 day deferral of duty payments. He went on to say the deal with China is in place and so is the USMCA indicating that is enough. A direct quote says “I would not expect to see any movement on tariffs right now.”… Read more »

Duty Payment Delay?

US Customs has announced they are accepting requests from importers to delay duty payments. The request must be emailed to and will be evaluated on a case by case basis. The request should include entry number, duty due date and reason for requesting an extension. US Customs is trying to help reduce the financial… Read more »

More List 3 Exclusions

On November 26th the USTR announced 32 specially prepared product descriptions, which cover 39 separate exclusion requests.” These exclusions are specific to List 3 and will be retroactive. Please review the list carefully since the exclusions are very specific and do not apply just because the HTS code matches.

5% MORE!?!?!?! – revised

The news has reported that President Trump is increasing tariffs ANOTHER 5%. This is in retaliation for China announcing additional tariffs on US goods. The confusing part for most is where does this 5% apply. The answer is………..ALL LISTS. For current Lists 1,2, & 3 the 5% will begin October 1st. For List 4a &… Read more »

List 4 based on ENTRY DATE

Federal Register Notice has been issued related to when duties will begin for list 4. According to the USTR the duty will be based on THE ENTRY DATE. This means all goods on the water will NOT be exempt from additional tariffs if they arrive on or after September 1st or December 15th depending on… Read more »

SOME Additional Tariffs Delayed

UPDATED (11:34am)—-The USTR just announced they will delay the increase in tariffs on some categories. Some of the items include certain toys, footwear, cell phones and video game consoles. The start date of September 1st has been delayed until at least December 15th. Click here for List4A (effective September 01, 2019) and List 4B (effective… Read more »

List 3 Exemptions

The first round of exemptions for Section 301, List 3 HTS codes has been published. The exclusions are retroactive to September 24, 2018 and will extend for one year after the publication of the notice. Click her to see the 10 specific product descriptions affected. If you are a customer of JWH then I have… Read more »

List 2 Exemptions

On July 31st the USTR published the first round of exemptions for Section 301, List 2 HTS codes. The exclusions are retroactive to August 23, 2018 and will extend for one year after the publication of this notice. FR 84 No. 187 outlines the exemption and the HTS affected. If you are a customer of… Read more »

YES – It is true, MORE TARIFFS

President Trump announced he will impose an additional 10% tariff on the remaining $300 billion dollar of goods from China. These goods are on List 4, and include footwear, clothing, and other goods that have been kept off previous lists. This announcement comes after 2 days of negotiations. Another meeting of negotiators has been scheduled… Read more »