Masks & Other Relief Goods

We are getting many calls from the importing community with questions on importing masks, disposable apparel, and sanitizer among other relief goods. JWH is here and ready to help. So if you are being offered goods from some of your suppliers give us a call so we can navigate the rules and regulations. Be advised, N95 masks and respirators are considered a medical device. These items require that the manufacturer and importer have the proper FDA Registration in place before importing. With airfreight rates at their highest make sure your ducks are in a row before signing a purchase order. JWH is here to help.

I also want to address some false statements we have heard. Do not believe the rumors that FEMA or any other agency is confiscating peoples goods. Do not believe that the government has made all relief goods duty free, that is not true. This will be very confusing for many of you who are importers but are not familiar with these products. Before you get stuck at the port please give me a call.